Counter Terror Courses
The trauma, misery and instantaneous life changing events that Terrorism brings to individuals and families, is not new to the United Kingdom or indeed many parts of the world.
All individuals rightly have an expectation of security and safety. Society as we know it would not function without that basic expectation. There is a clear obligation for governments, corporations, event organisers and institutions to assess, mitigate and counter the risks that both violent individuals and terrorist organisations present to the public, their staff and events they are organising.
UKEODs' Subject Matter Experts have direct experience in planning for and responding to terrorist events in the United Kingdom - the Counter Terror Courses below have been built around Nationally Recognised standards for Counter Terror, Counter Improvised Explosive Devices, Managing Trauma Injuries and instructors direct experiences.
For direct support to plan your event, protect your staff or reduce the risks to any other aspect of your organisation please follow this link to our Services page.

Counter Terror (CT) - Operative
The UKEOD CT Operative Course is a 2 day package designed for front line staff, tasked with security, search or incident response roles.
The course is classroom based but with multiple practical aspects to reinforce the training objectives.
Modules include:
Terrorism - A basic introduction
Roles and responsibilities
The current Terror Threat (UK)
Methods of Attack (Attack Vectors)
Risk Assessments - Relevance to Operatives
Search Techniques - Person, Vehicle, Building
Defensive measures
Response to suspect articles or individuals
Incident Response
Trauma Care and Equipments
Courses are available nationwide.
Contact info@ukeod.com directly for courses at your own facility or a separately arranged venue

Counter Terror (CT) - Manager
The UKEOD CT Manager Course is a 2 day package designed for Managers and senior staff with responsibilities for developing and maintaining Counter Terror protocols and procedures.
The course is classroom based but with multiple practical aspects to reinforce the training objectives.
Modules include:
Terrorism - An introduction
Roles and responsibilities
The current Terror Threat (UK)
Methods of Attack (Attack Vectors)
Threat Assessment
Search Techniques - Person, Vehicle, Building
Defensive measures - Planning and Implementation
Response to suspect articles or individuals
Incident Response
Trauma Care and Equipments
Risk Assessments - Formulation
Red team exercises
Courses are available nationwide.
Contact info@ukeod.com directly for courses at your own facility or a separately arranged venue

1 Day Counter Terror (CT) Threat Brief
The UKEOD Threat Brief is a current look at the threat presented by terrorism within the UK. It is designed to keep organisations current, maintain previously established procedures and to provide a Subject Matter Expert to answer any CT related questions or concerns that staff may have.
Routinely delivered at a clients facility, a venue or appropriate can be sourced by agreement.
The Brief Covers:
Current Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre Threat Level
Current threat by group
Recent incidents
IED training aids
Incident response rehearsals
Equipment checks for serviceability (Where appropriate)
Other subjects can be included by arrangement.
Contact info@ukeod.com directly for courses at your own facility or a separately arranged venue